
lunes, 3 de mayo de 2010

Present Tense

Presente Simple

She bathes daily
The chauffeur always handles with caution
She dresses very elegant always
They study together usually
He get to work punctual always
They drink wine in a family party
The Tranbus leaves in 15 minutes
The Tranbus leaves at 5:00 a.m. always
The family eats meat
The car goes very fast

Presente Progresivo o Continuo

They are laughing
She is walking sexy
The cat is jumping the fence
The cat is eating fish
The cat Tom is sleeping
The english teacher is smiling
They are studying English in the ITVH.
He is competing for win
The english teacher is smiling
The fish swimming in their fishbowl
She is dancing in the disco with me

Presente Perfecto
El Presente Perfecto en el idioma inglés es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para referirnos a acciones que suceden en un pasado reciente y que guardan alguna relación con el presente. Su equivalente en el español es el Pretérito Perfecto:

Para poder construir el Presente Perfecto debemos utilizar como auxiliar el verbo have (unicamente en 1era persona) o has,(en 3era persona, he, she,it) y acompañarlo con el verbo principal en su Pasado Participio:

sujeto + have/has + past participle.

I have sent the letter.
he enviado
la carta.
(Indica que la acción acaba de suceder)

La forma contraida del verbo "have":

I have -- I've
you have -- you've
he has, she has, it has -- he's, she's, it's
we have -- we've
you have -- yo've
they have -- they've

I've traveled for all Villahermosa
We have watched that movie
He has eaten chiken
She has drink lemonade
The cat has meowed
Has he gone on a trip?
Yes, he has gone on a trip
He hasn't gone on at Cancun
You have bought a red car
He has studied English

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