
jueves, 3 de junio de 2010

Past Tense

Pasado Simple
El pasado simple se suele utilizar para referirnos a acciones que tuvieron lugar en un momento concreto del pasado. En este caso se utilizan partículas como yesterday (ayer) o last year (el pasado año).

El uso del auxiliar DID es para expresiones en Negativo e Interrogativo.

I played XBox 360
He didn't need of she
She ate Pizza
Did she worked in Walmar?
Yes, she did worked in Walmar six years ago
I hate at she for married with he
She wanted very much at her cat
He played in the park
We did not visited Paris, but yes London
She never loved me

Pasado Progresivo o Continuo
Se usa para expresar una acción que ocurrió en tiempo o momento especifico del pasado.

Tambien puede darse para comunicar que una actividad estaba sucediendo cuando otra acción ocurrió (primero ocurre el pasado progresivo y despues el pasado simple).

Pronombre (I, you, he, she, it) + was + verbo en Gerundio "ing" + (opcional) Pasado simple
Pronombre (you, we, they) + were + verbo en Gerundio "ing" + (opcional) Pasado simple

Pronombre + was/were + not + verbo en gerundio
Contracción (wasn't, weren't)

The cat was eating
He was scaring
She was scared when I kissed
You weren't writing a blog
Were you walking alone?
Yes, you were walking alone
I was playing with you
I was free yesterday
She was talking with April
We were running with our friends

Pasado Perfecto
Se usa para hablar de una acción que occurió antes de otra acción, las dos siendo en el pasado.

El verbo auxiliar del pasado perfecto es "Had" (había)

[A] Sujeto + had + pasado participio
[N] Sujeto + had not (hadn´t) + pasado participio
[I] Had + Sujeto + pasado participio + ?

Forma contraida:
had = 'd
I had = I'd
You had = You'd, etc.

I'd bought a motorcicle
You had hated the snow
We had lived in Texcoco two years
She had prepared breakfast
Tifani had asleep much
We had looked the red car
had she had cleaned the house?
No, she hadn't cleaned the house
He had not said hello she
hopefully! I had not known to she never

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